APCOC Woman Ministry is a source command given by the Lord through Holy Spirit to Prof. Dr. Rev. K. Rajanandan Vignan to experience in the society is suffering with various problems. When I saw their life experiences they were living in the Patriarchal Society. Their situation in the society is Broken-Hearted / marginalized / ostracized / alienated.   In Holy Bible, if we see Jesus, he is role model to me to uplift the woman in the Society and Church.

APCOC strongly believes in recognizing and supporting contribution of woman in the society and church.  We believe in all aspects of ministry with the exception of these areas that exercise government authority within the church and society.  We believe God was ordained the family unite to serve as a model for the entire church with the father as the Head of the House and functioning as a servant leader as described in Ephesians chapter 5.

Both men and women can reach their fullest potential in Ministry within the structure of the Biblical family model.

We believe a woman can teach and lead within any of the vast array of ministry roles and positions as long as she demonstrates.

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