- The Holy Bible is the inspired, the only infallible authoritative word of God.
- One God, infinite and eternally existent in three-persons – Father, Son & Holy Ghost, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, who reveals Himself in perfect holiness and love.
- The full deity and humanity of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and in His representative substitutionary death and shed His Precious blood on the cruel cross of Calvary for the remission of the sins of mankind.
- The dignity of man created in the image of God, his fall, his universal sinfulness and consequent subjection of God’s work and condemnation, his need of redemption from the guilt, penalty, and power of sin, His salvation by the Grace of God, through baptism of repentance, and faith alone in His son The Lord Jesus Christ.
- The illuminating, regenerating, indwelling, and sanctifying work of the Holy Ghost enabling believers to live a Godly life, equipping them for the ministry of God and Society.
- The unity and common priesthood of all believers who from the Apostolic and Universal Church the body whose head is Jesus Christ and which is visibly manifested through PRAYER, SERVICE AND WITNESS of the local churches.
- The personal visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ and resurrected of all men, they are, saved unto eternal life in Heaven, and they that are lost unto eternal death in
- Every true believer is commissioned of Christ to “Go into all the World and preach the Gospel to every Creature” to make disciples of all nations.
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