Prof. Dr. Rev. KUNDAVARAM RAJANANDAN VIGNAN is an Indian Evangelist, Mentor and Mission Leader. The Chancellor and owner of Apostolic Biblical University. He is the son of late. The. Mt. Rt. Rev. Dr. K. Michael Devadanam. He operates APCOC MINISTRIES.

Born: 1st June 1988, Jammalamadugu Campbell Hospital
Nationality : Indian
Parents : late. The. Mt. Rt. Rev. Dr. K. Michael Devadanam and Dr. K. Elizabeth Rani.

He recieved his Bcom in SV. University, Bachelor of Divinity in Senate of Serampore University, M. A. Christian Studies degree in University of Madras, M. A. English in Gitam University, Vishakapatnam and a many Honorary doctorates received from Various Universities.

He operates Holy Spirit Prayer Tower and his APCOC MINISTRIES. Finally he trains many students from Apostolic Biblical University. He is lover of little children who are less privileged and nurtures them with their needs. He is also a friend of the poor and needy caring for thousands of them, providing HOPE for their Future.

He preaches and pray for thousands of people with the matchless power of the Holy Spirit, claiming God’s promises and Blessings for them. He is a great inspiration and leader of the next generation. He is observed to be a revivalist with sympathetic compassion. He encompasses more souls through charity and loving kindness. He has great interest and passion to build 100 PRAYER TOWERS before his death. He is the Man of Prayer land Carrie’s the word of God and delivering to people and concentration on Charity works. God has bestowed him with a divine gift of praying based on Holy Scriptures. He visited foreign countries like Malaysia, Cameroon Highland, Dubai and Sharjah.

He is Committed to the Love and care of Lord Jesus Christ and praying for the needy. It known for creative programs and events, passionate to bring a positive change among the younger generations. God has imparted to Prof. Dr. Rev. KUNDAVARAM RAJANANDAN VIGNAN the same powerful anointing of an Archbishop as that resides upon his parents and grandparents. Just as Late. The. Mt. Rt. Rev. Dr. K. Michael Devadanam stepped into the foot steps of his father to become the spiritual successor. Prof. Dr. Rev. Kundavaram Rajanandan Vignan is carrying forth the anointing that has been incumbent upon his parents, bumbling himself to accept the Lord’s to Minister unto Him, leaving the world behind him.


He honours the authority of his father vision : APCOC MINISTRIES through complete obidience. A very clear but seldom pondered Truth of the APCOC MINISTRY is that Christ is the HEAD of this Ministry. My father died unexpectedly, but the whole family was going through deep sorrow and pain in my family. Prof. Dr. Rev. Kundavaram Rajanandan Vignan life slowly turn to be a supernatural blessing. His Divine father came into existence to be with Him. He realised this is not a physical father will , but it is the will of Divine Father. He often speaks to Christians about Moral and societal issues and encourages to help and guide people who have been through crisis and which offers Christian Education for the students and believers.

He lives in Kadapa with his mother Dr. K. Elizabeth Rani and two Angel Sisters – K. Angel Joy Suhasini & K. Angel Vinathi. As the HOLY SPIRIT led strengthen our Lord Jesus Christ to fulfil God’s will I his earthly life. So also Holy Spirit may strengthen and led to many in the vision and passion for souls that his physical father had in fulfilment of Gods call to do His Ministry in the Perishing world.

In Biblical History several Servants of God opined that Prof. Dr. Rev. Kundavaram Rajanandan Vignan should fulfil the vision and desire of his father. King DAVID desired Temple unto God the Almighty been couldn’t. Later as his son King Solomon could fulfil his father’s desire. In the same manner. Late. The. Mt. Rt. Rev. Dr. K. Michael Devadanam had a strong desire to build a Temple for the glory of God but couldn’t as he was called home. Pray that God may enable Prof. Dr. Rev. K. Rajanandan Vignan to fulfil his physical father wish to build a Temple and that may a Perishing Souls may be restored to Jesus and innumerable people of God may be strengthened and comforted through this APCOC MINISTRIES

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