Dedicated to the Practice and Teaching of Healing Prayer: HEALTH TO GOSPEL

APCOC Healing Ministry is a sourceGod gave an extraordinary vision and quest by the Holy Spirit to Prof. Dr. Rev. K. Rajanandan Vignan to pray for the welfare of the whole community. He reached thousands of patients have heard the gospel. As people respond missionary flow up with the goal of connecting new believers; Iwas working as a Chaplain in CSI Hospital in 2015. Every day, while I was Praying to all the patients; sufferings with dreadful disease like TB, AIDS & HIV. This incident which I encounter with God filled with supernatural experience. With a hunger and thirst literally crying & praying about this Broken-Hearted / marginalized / Down-trodden / alienated people in the society.  I would like to suggest to all APCOC Members mandatory to follow – Love Your Neighbor as you

APCOC Ministries have compassion for the poor, the homeless, the elderly and disabled. APCOC cannot perform miracles. But, we can minister in many ordinary ways. Each of us needs to prayerfully consider how we might follow the example of Jesus compassion in meeting the physical needs of needy people


VISION: FAITH – The object of Faith was in Jesus ability to heal, not His will to heal; YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WELL (Mt. 9: 22, 29), (Lk. 17: 19 & 18: 42)

Today as we pray for the healing of friends or loved ones who suffer severe illness or disease, we too should believe that God is able to heal, either directly or through conventional means. To say I have faith that God will heal is presumptuous since we do not know the mind of God, but to say God is able to heal is to exercise faith.

APCOC conducts free medical camps are set up with a sacred aim to being awareness the deprived / needy / marginalized population of the country who has no access to basic health care service or knowledge about the disease they are suffering from.

APCOC believes Health Care is a powerful tool serving the physical and spiritual needs of sick and hurting world.

Compassionate medical care softens heart to hear the important message of the gospel changing lives for today and eternity.

APCOC as a way to express God’s love and share the path to eternal life through

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Please Partake in this Healing Ministry with a Generous Heart – Health to Gospel

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