The Lord will establish you as HIS HOLY PEOPLE

APCOC Consecration Service is a Precious source commanded by the Lord, to The. Mt. Rt. Rev. Dr. K. Michael Devadanam to establish HIS HOLY PEOPLE for the Lord – Separate from the defilement of the World; Enormous care had to be taken because of the huge responsibility of the true believers and involves our lives being a living Sacrifice.

The importance of being consecrated or pure in our relationship with God is emphasized in an incident in the book of Joshua. After 40 years in the wilderness, the children of Israel were about to cross over the Jordan River in to the Promised Land. They were then given a command and promise: “Joshua told the people ‘consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you’ ” (Jos. 3: 5)

Ex. 29: 7 – describes the anointing of Aaron since he was the chief priest at the time of Exodus. The oil is representative of the spirit of God but also of the official designation to an office by God decree. Kings were frequently anointed in times past an indication that they were sanctioned or ordained by God. In fact, Aaron and his sons were “Anointed in them and ordained by God Himself who chooses who will be His Priests. This is never a decision by Men but always by God.


Go and consecrate the people –

All these things are possible only because of your sacrificial contribution and tireless support extends to us. You can also contribute to support this cause through your sincere prayers and sacrificial donations. The Lord who see your generous support will crown you with multifold blessings in all your efforts, make you a channel of blessings to the Pastors and churches, grant you good health and fill you with His peace, joy and happiness. The Lord Jesus Christ will bless you immeasurably and you shall not lack anything, as you have committed yourself to fulfill others need through APCOC Ministries

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