APCOC Ministries



It is the great vision and mandatory given by the Lord to The. Mt. Rt. Rev. Dr. K. Michael Devadanam has a lot of burden and passion to establish His Kingdom. He always has burden and passion for perishing souls.  APCOC Ministries always ready to serve the people with Love & Compassion.

APCOC Ministries, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the corner stone, in which the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a Holy Temple in the Lord. In Him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

APCOC establishes prayer tower in every village level to state / nation and important cities level. APCOC ministry always encourages his fellowship. We are working for the Lord through APCOC Ministry “Never Compromise in your Life.” APCOC deals single soul should not loss. Give me a place to the world and I will change the Life.

APCOC prerequisites for soul winning:

  1. Personal Salvation Experience
  2. Knowledge of the Word of God
  3. Passion for Perishing Souls
  4. Prayer Life
  5. Fullness of the Holy Spirit
Click Here Donate / Gift Now

Your gift can help us to build a simple, church building that can be need for worship, discipleship, and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the unreached areas of India and abroad.

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