APCOC FELLOWSHIP TOUR is a source and encourages personal life, family life, Ministry life and Social life to be enriched. God gave an amazing vision and by the power of Holy Spirit to Prof. Dr. Rev. K. Rajanandan Vignan to pray for the unity among brethren, whether social or religious is productive both of profit and of pleasure.

To encourage Fellowship Tours by moving new places to visit and renew their heart and mind through prayers: offering our united adoration, confession and thanksgivng at the throne of Grace. Whenever we go as a team we leave all our burdens in the Lord and we always glorify our Grear God YAHWEH.

Why we Keep:
Let mutual jealousies and envying be repressed as destructive of brotherly affection and let there be no rivalry but that of provoking one another to love and good works.
An indigenous and open avowal of the truth where to they have already attained. They must not disguise their conviction is difference to the judgement founded on the Word of God.

To bring Unity:
It seem hopelessly divided in opinion and creed when on the lower plane of life and experience, have only climb to loftiest height of DIVINE TRUTH to discover oneness in the Lord and their enjoyment of HIS bounty and there in there Apcoc Fellowship Tour one with the other. It brings more abundant life is the Divine Healing of more abiding unity between Christians


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