The Holy Bible is the inspired, the only infallible authoritative word of God. One God, infinite and eternally existent in three-persons – Father, Son &…

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Aims & Objectives

CHURCH PLANTATION To build the church upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophet, the church is an evangelistic, charismatic, and Episcopal. And also to promote church plantation programme strictly based on the Holy doctrine of the Holy Bible. TO GIVE To give Consecrations, Ordinations and License to the Arch-bishops, Bishops, Overseers, Priests, Presbyters, Pastors, Evangelist, Missionaries, Crusaders, Prayer Warrior, Bible Woman and other Christian workers as per their Holy Call, qualifications and faithfulness in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ and his Great Commission. CHURCH CEREMONIES To promote all Church ceremonies, which are Prayer, Worship, Witness, Cottage Prayer,…

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Everyday Promises

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